Marks of a Disciple
There are three personal indicators that allow every Christ following disciple an honest assessment of where they are in their journey to experience real change.
Birth Mark: I’ve been changed. A disciple has become a new creation in Christ. Their old self has been transformed so that they are born again. A disciple knows their life has changed through a personal salvation experience and they have marked that change with believer’s baptism.
Elevation Mark: I’m being changed. Disciples can point to very specific things, about who they are as a person, that have been changed by Christ and they are aware of ongoing personal growth needs. Disciples are intentional and active in applying a process of sanctification so we become more and more like Jesus…daily. We are targeting the grace of God to change us in specific ways.
Impact Mark: I’m bringing change. At Turning Point, we believe a disciple understands the gospel of the Kingdom and that God has positioned each believer in places where they can make a positive difference in their world. We are available and purposeful about leveraging our life change for spiritual influence. Disciples are looking for moment by moment opportunities to bring change into our world.