How to Hear From God
The S.O.A.P Method
Check out this short video on how to S.O.A.P.
Our aim is to be a people who prioritize listening to and hearing from God.
Our method is to consistently meet Him in His Word.
The pace is steady, but doable... one chapter a day, five days a week (take Saturday off so you don’t get legalistic, and take Sunday to worship with your church family).
As you read and listen, we encourage you to use the S.O.A.P. method of writing down what God is saying through His Word:
Scripture: As you read the chapter for the day – Find a verse or two that were meaningful to you and write them down.
Observation: What is God pointing out in the verse(s) you found? What is God Saying? What did you learn?
Application: How can you make the verse(s) personal? What is something you can do today to apply it to your life?
Prayer: Write out a prayer to the Lord. Ask Him to help you with the application, or to reveal more about the text, or to find ways to share what you are learning with others.
That’s it! Start short. Keep it simple. Be consistent... and patient. God promises that those who seek Him will find Him. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.