Embark on Your Journey of Service


If you are ready to discover your God-given gifts, we want to walk alongside you in the journey!

At Turning Point Community Church, the SHAPE Test is an essential tool for those eager to discover their full potential and align their lives with their faith and purpose. By assessing their Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their unique strengths and how they can best contribute to their community.

The SHAPE Test is more than a one-time evaluation; it's the start of a continuous journey of self-discovery and service. It helps individuals live purposefully, make meaningful contributions to their church and community, and fulfill their God-given mission. If you're seeking to find your role and purpose in life, take the SHAPE Test at Turning Point Community Church and begin a transformative journey of self-awareness and impactful service.

If you're ready to serve, want to discover your spiritual gifts or have more questions, click the box below to take your next step!