array ( 'msg' => '', 'filter' => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '55a421ef4c5b61c404635698', )), )), 'module' => 'media_series', 'filterJoin' => 'and', 'other' => array ( 'paginate' => '12', 'detailpage' => '', ), 'sorting' => array ( 'start_date' => array ( 'dir' => '-1', 'index' => '0', 'display' => 'Start Date Desc', ), ), 'filters' => array ( 'status' => array ( 'dir' => 'Active', 'op' => '$eq', 'index' => '0', 'display' => 'Status = Active', ), ), ), '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '5ac50a1a83c3f43c2478b12d', )), )), 'title' => 'EASTER 2018', 'virtual_url' => 'easter-2018', 'start_date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1522386000, 'usec' => 0, )), 'end_date' => '', 'media' => array ( '5ac5072a22683' => array ( 'index' => '0', 'type' => 'image', 'url' => '/images/r/easter18/960x/easter18.png', 'size' => '960x540', 'coords' => '', 'path' => '/images/r/easter18', 'caption' => '', 'link' => '', 'original' => '/media/image/easter18.png', ), ), 'content' => 'Easter Weekend was a special one in 2018 as we took an in depth look at "The Last Supper" on Good Friday and also took time to remember "He\'s Not There" on Easter Sunday morning. Sunday was a powerful reminder to no longer revisit the \'dead places\' in our lives; rather, we look for God in the new thing, in the next thing... for He is risen, He is risen indeed!
', 'status' => 'Active', 'seo_title' => '', 'seo_description' => '', 'seo_keywords' => '', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1522862618, 'usec' => 112000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1522863542, 'usec' => 946000, )), '_media_items' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '5ac50ba97ffa79f7086ec7fa', )), )), 'title' => 'He’s Not There', 'virtual_url' => 'hes-not-there', 'status' => 'Active', 'media_series' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => '5ac50a1a83c3f43c2478b12d', '_display' => 'EASTER 2018', ), ), 'speaker' => 'Ilena Wagner', 'date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1522558800, 'usec' => 0, )), 'content' => 'The atonement, or forgiveness of sin once and for all achieved on the cross, weighs in, and heavily. But the atonement is affirmed, ratified, sealed, and made enduringly good by virtue of Christ\'s rising from death. Our justification hinges on a risen life, present in us now because Christ is present with us now.
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– Paul F.M. ZahlAs we look at the Last Supper...
As we take communion and remember the extravagant sacrifice of Jesus on the cross...
We remember that in Him we find:
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Our passover.
Our exodus.
Our deliverance.
Our redemption.

Easter Weekend was a special one in 2018 as we took an in depth look at "The Last Supper" on Good Friday and also took time to remember "He's Not There" on Easter Sunday morning. Sunday was a powerful reminder to no longer revisit the 'dead places' in our lives; rather, we look for God in the new thing, in the next thing... for He is risen, He is risen indeed!