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', 'status' => 'Active', 'seo_title' => '', 'seo_description' => '', 'seo_keywords' => '', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1549999755, 'usec' => 248000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '59282d8b4c5b611173f5bcb6', )), )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1549999755, 'usec' => 248000, )), '_media_items' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '5caca4be1280b143c04d33b9', )), )), 'title' => 'Episode 9: The Evangelist - Believer vs Follower', 'virtual_url' => 'episode-9-the-evangelist-believer-vs-follower', 'status' => 'Active', 'media_series' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => '5c631e8b1280b1d23838ed2e', '_display' => 'FOLLOW ME', ), ), 'speaker' => 'Chuck Angel', 'date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1554613200, 'usec' => 0, )), 'content' => '
The Life of Jesus is truly Bingeworthy. As a church, we are setting aside several weeks to watch every episode of His extraordinary life and listen for what it would speak over our lives today.
In season 3 - Follow Me - we are now to the ministry years of Jesus. These messages will explore what Jesus did in His ministry with the realization that when we are called to follow Jesus we are invited to join Him - living as He lived, doing what He did. Throughout His days of earthly ministry Jesus invited disciples into a rhythm that involved three expectations: “come and see” “learn of me” and eventually “go and do.” Our prayer over the next few weeks is that we can intensify our understanding of what Jesus was about, and go do what Jesus did!When we look at the “evangelism” of Jesus it appears to have a different quality than we often think of in terms how people come to faith. Jesus created an invitation to follow Him – a call to discipleship that eliminated half-hearted commitments and decreased “cultural Christianity.” Jesus was all in, and called for followers who were all in. This doesn’t change the Biblical pathway of repentance and faith as the evangelism invite, but it does give clarity for the life of faith that Jesus expects of all who turn from their sins, trust Christ and follow Him.
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There is a rise in supernatural interest but there’s also a suspicion about miracles claimed by the church. Ironically people believe - but they don’t believe us. Some of their misgivings about miracles result from some of the sensationalism and insincerity of tv evangelists. And if we believe that is the model for how miracles are pursued, then we need to go back to the beginning and see what Jesus was doing and learn from Him.People will often describe Jesus in terms of His miracles or HIs teaching - but very few think to mention how He spent the majority of His time discipling - just developing people. We will look at how Jesus chose and invited disciples, in particular how He consistently clustered His followers keeping them near to Him and near to one another.
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Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video have changed the way we watch TV. Now we can ‘binge’ all the episodes of our favorite shows in just a few days or over a weekend. We love to know what happens next… we naturally want more of the story. Some shows are so captivating that we set them apart as “bingeworthy.” They are stories that instantly capture our attention and keep it until the storytelling is done.
The Life of Jesus is truly Bingeworthy. As a church, we are setting aside several weeks to watch every episode of His extraordinary life and listen for what it would speak over our lives today.
In season 3 - Follow Me - we are now to the ministry years of Jesus. These messages will explore what Jesus did in His ministry with the realization that when we are called to follow Jesus we are invited to join Him - living as He lived, doing what He did. Throughout His days of earthly ministry Jesus invited disciples into a rhythm that involved three expectations: “come and see” “learn of me” and eventually “go and do.” Our prayer over the next few weeks is that we can intensify our understanding of what Jesus was about, and go do what Jesus did!