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We are calling the series Retweet. As many of you know, Twitter is a social media platform that enables its users to blast out short, candid messages. Each of the letters Jesus sends has similarities to today’s tweets = brief, straight forward, open for all to read. Our hope is to take these candid ancient words and retweet them – reread them now and learn what the Spirit has to say to the churches…today.The final tweet in this series is directed to the church @Laodicea. This is the infamous “lukewarm church.” The Laodicean believers may have been the wealthiest and among the most well-heeled churches in the ancient world BUT they were complacent, sleepy in their faith-walk. Their beliefs were accurate but their lives lacked the same kind of urgency that’s displayed among others in the New Testament. It’s interesting how Jesus called out their condition – He said He would like for them to be all-in but if not, ALL OUT. That’s strong! It gives us an indication how determined we should all be to embrace fully and abide in a Christ-centered life. As we close this series, we will step together toward communion and renew our heart’s connection with Jesus.
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In chapters 2-3 of Revelation Jesus sent letters to seven churches. In those personal notes He challenges, corrects and calls them to new levels of faithfulness. The issues they faced and responses required of them will speak to us and be as fresh as if Jesus sent us an email this morning. These notes are going to rock our world!
We are calling the series Retweet. As many of you know, Twitter is a social media platform that enables its users to blast out short, candid messages. Each of the letters Jesus sends has similarities to today’s tweets = brief, straight forward, open for all to read. Our hope is to take these candid ancient words and retweet them – reread them now and learn what the Spirit has to say to the churches…today.